How to handle raw food ?


How to handle raw food ?

One of the biggest concerns when people are thinking about converting their pet to a raw fed diet is the handling of raw meat. All issue of bacteria and contamination menja into play, but we here to tell you that if handled with care, you have absolutely nothing to worry about! A CRU m'has guanyat que es tracti d'una gran quantitat d'altres papers pooch. Tots els que t'han xosen per conservar els productes al most natural way - freezing. Un pet food és frrozen as it inactivats any microbes, bacteri i easts presents en raw meat, preserving it per longer period of time. No obstant això, s'ha d'utilitzar perquè sigui cautious quan handling raw meat just as we do when es prepara el nostre raw meat at home for ourselves. Llavors lliurem els nostres top tipus de roba en mind quan handling raw dog food / A continuació, enumerem els nostres millors consells per tenir en compte en manipular aliments crus per a gossos.
  • Per a vostè no going to feed your pet a whole pack in a day, simply store el remaining amount air-tight freezer bag to avoid cross contamination
  • Always use separate utensils when serving the raw dog food and avoid getting it on the kitchen counter by accident.
  • Always wash your hands with warm to hot water and soap before and after handling raw food
  • Wipe down all surfaces that have been in contact with the raw food.
  • Keep all raw products en bottom of freezer to avoid any cross contamination in case of service-cut.
  • Make sure you disposa d'all food packages once you hau emptied them so it doesn't come into contact s other food & recycle them into yellow container.
Raw food must be defrosted in the cooler to avoid radical changes in temperature .

*Aquest article ha estat escrit sobre la base dels nostres coneixements i amor incondicional pels gossos i gats, però en cap moment substitueix el consell d'un veterinari. The CRU estarem encantats d'intentar resoldre qualsevol dubte que puguis tenir, però si el teu pelut pateix alguna patologia recomanem que consultis amb un veterinari col·legiat. Compartir:

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