La fundadora y su querido Quijote
Our history

CRU was born in Barcelona at the end of 2017 with the intention of creating a reference brand for people who love dogs and cats.

There was no brand that offered natural food for dogs and cats with the standards of service and quality that we wanted and in line with the lifestyle we lead with our furry friends, so we decided to create it.

At CRU you will find everything your dog or cat needs following the highest standards of quality and values.

We produce 100% natural food based on a raw diet and select the best products for daily life with your furry friend.

We only work with natural products and companies that work for a better world.

Our furry dogs are one of the family and we want to give them the treatment they deserve.


CRU y su filosofía

CRU Philosophy

Natural and without secrets, this is CRU.

At CRU we appeal to common sense, that less is more. We believe that nature is wise, so we only needed to observe it to determine the best diet for our furry friends.

CRU, in addition to raw, means Conscious Raw Universe and everything we do has very clear values ​​behind it. We have selected and designed our products with the greatest possible care towards our furry friends and the planet we live on.

We try to make our processes as sustainable and efficient as possible, and we work to achieve this.

Since October 2020 we have managed to reduce the use of porexpan in our shipments by almost 50%, always guaranteeing the highest possible quality and the best service.

The family

The CRU revolution begins with Quixote and Sandra.

Life has led me to be very aware of the importance of good nutrition and the use of quality products, but I had never considered the same for my dog, beyond the bags of dry food that for many years have been the “dog food” that we all know.

Quixote was a French bulldog who used to suffer from skin allergies and digestive problems, and he also looked at the feed with very little enthusiasm. After a year of comings and goings from the vet, I discovered the world of raw natural food and in less than a month we had him in top shape, in perfect health and enjoying life as only a dog knows how to do!

Thanks to him and that experience, our lives changed forever.

I researched, tested and even studied nutrition for dogs... and together with a friend, we decided to share it with people like you, so that more furry dogs can enjoy a longer, healthier and happier life.

After much preparing menus at home for Quijote and his furry friends, I saw that the biggest problem in changing the diet of our dogs and cats was the time, space and training that doing it at home required, so we decided to create CRU.

With the help of nutrition experts and the best suppliers in the country, we create the food that your furry friend deserves, ready to receive at home, defrost, serve and enjoy the benefits. Real and uncomplicated.

“We believe in better nutrition and quality of life for our faithful friends, they fill us with infinite love and are part of our families. “We want a lifestyle that we can share with them and in line with the world we believe in.”

Will you join our revolution?

Quixote crossed the rainbow last October 2023, leaving this great legacy with us.

I hope all dogs and cats are as loved and have as great a life and with as good food as yours.

Always in our hearts little Quijo, nothing is the same without you.

CRU Mano y pata una sobre la otra

Let's change the lives of other furry people

Invite your friends and make them wag their tails with joy.

Learn all the details of our affiliate plan and start spreading the word.

CRU Quijote dentro de la caja

Be part of CRU

Do you feel identified with our philosophy?
Do you have a store or a veterinary center?
Are you a nutritionist or breeder?
Do you want to change the world by helping to improve the lives of thousands of furry people?
Can you contribute interesting things to our team?
We want to hear from you!

We are looking for very wow and meow collaborators to expand our family.