Fight overweight in dogs


Fight overweight in dogs

It is estimated that 50% of our dogs are currently overweight or obese . These data are terrifying. Being overweight, just like for us, is a serious health problem that leads to excessive wear and tear on the joints, respiratory complications, pancreatic problems, diabetes, reduction in life expectancy by a minimum of two years, etc. Being overweight reduces the quality and life expectancy of our dogs and we must avoid or combat it. If with the new year you have decided to get in shape, it is time to do it with your furry friend too.

How do I know if my dog ​​is overweight?

There are tables that can guide us according to breed and age, but there are other factors that can change from dog to dog. The easiest way to evaluate whether our dog is overweight or in top shape is from the visual examination that we suggest. We are guided by the morphological characteristics of the dog: the silhouette, the shape of the waist and whether or not we can palpate the ribs. We are used to seeing many overweight dogs and that changes our perception, just because the majority are overweight does not mean that it is the right thing to do, our dog will always be better off SKINNING than FULL.

SKINNY DOG - Figure 1

  • Ribs, scapulas, pelvis and spine clearly visible.
  • The waist is noticeable.
  • We barely see any fat on his abdomen.
  • If we look at the dog from above, we will see a well-marked “hourglass” figure.
  • You shouldn't worry too much unless the situation gets worse, a thin dog is always better than an overweight one, although you could revise its daily food ration a little so that it gains a little volume.


  • We cannot see the bones or ribs with the naked eye, but we can easily notice them by palpating its back.
  • We can see the shape of the waist.
  • Little fat in the abdomen, if you pinch under the belly you don't notice fat, just skin.
  • If we look at the dog from above we see a slender silhouette, with a marked but well-proportioned waist and we do not notice that it is “in the bones”.
  • Your dog is at his ideal weight!

PUDDY DOG - Figure 3

  • When palpating the back we found the ribs and the spine but with difficulty.
  • The waist is not noticeable.
  • We notice body fat - we pinch off a good piece of “michelin”.
  • He has a belly, his abdomen hangs a little, and we see fat around his neck.
  • If we look at our dog from above, we cannot see the waist, the body is a trunk from the neck to the tail.
  • Your dog has an overweight problem and you need to get him in shape.

What should I do if my dog ​​is overweight?

We can fight against overweight through two main fronts:


Our dogs cannot digest grains and carbohydrates in the same way as humans, which leads to an accumulation of sugars resulting in fat that accumulates. We must eliminate grains from our dogs' diet. If your dog eats dry food, check the label carefully, this may be one of the causes of the problem. If you use a GRAIN FREE feed, also check the ingredients, if you find filler ingredients such as peas or potatoes, you already have the cause of the overweight. As we have explained in other articles, the CRU diet is the diet that best adapts to what your species needs and completely avoids cereals. With a well-balanced raw diet you will easily control your dog's weight. Start by giving him 2% of his ideal CRU weight and observe the changes. You can adjust the amount as you see how it progresses, don't be afraid to lower the amount until your dog reaches the ideal weight. Don't be afraid that your dog will go hungry, you are doing him a great favor by helping him lose weight. Surely your dog will notice the change and will be asking you for food and giving him grief to see if you fall into the trap of giving him something else, ignore it, you are doing him a great good. If your dog eats a homemade natural diet, eliminate rice, potatoes and bread and try to reduce the amount of fat.


Increase the amount of daily activity as much as you can. If your dog goes out to the park but only sniffs calmly, bring him a toy and make him run a little, it will do you both good. If this is impossible for you, try to increase your daily outings and try to take longer outings at least once a week. You can also do indoor exercise, it's as simple as playing up and down on something, for example the sofa or a trunk. We hope these simple tips help encourage you to get your furry friend in shape.

A healthy dog ​​is a happy dog.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. You are interested in this article about fasting in dogs. *This article has been written based on our knowledge and unconditional love for dogs and cats, but at no time does it replace the advice of a veterinarian. The CRU will be happy to try to resolve any questions you may have, but if your pet suffers from any pathology, we recommend that you consult with a registered veterinarian. Share:


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